9 Mar 2011


What differentiates private lines from other methods of connectivity are the benefits they provide.

A private line is essentially an “always-on” cable that connects all the regions of a network, making transferring data from two separate locations as simple as dragging a file from one drive to another. Private lines do not have size restrictions for file transfers, and because there’s no bandwidth, there’s virtually nothing (short of a system failure) to keep your connection from working.

Having an intra-network connection dedicated solely to your business’s network alone keeps large offices with satellite companies connected in a manner that’s decades more efficient than any other LAN setup.

One of the biggest benefits of a private line service is that you have the ability – depending on the service you choose – to predict your overall expenditure. This helps you assess your budget in more effectively, and plan for your monthly costs without having to worry about how much you will be changed for your LAN.

Not all private line services are equal; some offers might appeal more to your business than others. However, one thing can be said about these network solutions: if you’re out to get an efficient and cost-effective way of communicating between your offices, a private line is the best answer there is.

Stephanie Egan

My name is Stephanie Egan. And I am a Support Manager, Work as customer support for Fastblue Communications. Fastblue delivers unique Wholesale FastEthernet, CDN, and DDoS/Security to our customers through our dedicated network of Partners.
I like to bead bracelets in my spare time for fun. Now living in Houston, TX.
