28 May 2013


AT&T MPLS ServiceAT&T MPLS is a crucial technology in today’s Internet and Data centric market. As companies continue to grow the level of data they create AT&T MPLS will help them properly move information between their different locations. AT&T MPLS has the ability to be delivered over Fiber, Internet T1, Bonded T1, or Ethernet over Copper technology. Since AT&T can deliver MPLS over a wide array of technologies they have the ability to reach any location you have, ensuring a nationwide service. AT&T MPLS can also be used for companies who have a global presence and need to connect throughout the world.

AT&T MPLS will monitor the latency, jitter, and overall performance of your network. In doing so your data will be guaranteed to be delivered upon specific guidelines determined by a Service Level Agreement. Your Service Level Agreement will cover you entire network across the different technologies that are used. AT&T MPLS also has proactive monitoring. By using proactive monitoring AT&T MPLS has the ability to notify IT directors, and anyone else who needs to be updated about any disruptions on your network.

Through a wide array of technology AT&T MPLS has the ability to reach your metro and rural locations. AT&T Internet T1 services have the ability to reach almost anywhere in the United States. In doing so AT&T Internet T1’s can be used to reach your rural businesses and incorporate them into your AT&T MPLS Network. In Metro Areas AT&T has the ability to use Fiber, or Metro Ethernet to connect your larger offices. Scalable from 1.5Mbps to 10gbps, AT&T will be able to meet the needs of your company. No matter the size it may be.

How does AT&T MPLS help your data manage its Data? AT&T will connect all of your networks through a seamless connection. This will create a service that optimizes your applications, and can manage the data they create. Customers are now using Data Centers, Clouds, or are hosting server’s onsite. In each of these models a quality connection is needed between each site to ensure that data packets are not lost in the process. If data is lost, your servers cannot have access to the needed information, leading to a loss in the quality of data that is stored.

With Connecthere.com, AT&T MPLS will become a seamless, secure and strategic product for your company. Please give us a call today at 888-972-BLUE.

Image Source : Jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Eric Swanstrom

Eric Swanstrom is a Sales and Account Manager at Fastblue Communications. Fastblue is a Premier Managed Cloud, Telecom, and Internet Security Provider.

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