3 Aug 2009


Is your business in need of a wide or large area network that can transfer data in a highly efficient matter? If so, you will want to look into a MPLS service. MPLS will increase your network speed through the prioritization of traffic through your lines. The MPLS service uses a protocol to decide which packets pass through the line first. If a large packet from a voice or video conference, and a packet from casual browsing came into contact at the same time on your line, the MPLS service would recognize the larger packet and send it through, prioritizing it from the smaller packet. This means that your voice and video meetings will be conducted without interruption, and without poor video and audio transfers to ensure a successful meeting, that you can always depend on. The addition of MPLS to your business will bring you the speed and quality that you crave without lag-time, from a safe and secure network service.

Other benefits of MPLS include:

  • Easy connection of various locations
  • The ability to stay in touch with your mobile sales force
  • Resource sharing between employees
  • Bandwidth applications in real-time
  • Strengthened security over your network
  • No more need for CPE- based management or upgrades

Erin Bothamley

Erin Bothamley is a Sales support Manager at Fastblue Communications. Fastblue is a Premier Managed Cloud, Telecom, and Internet Security Provider.
